Sunday, July 12, 2009

Faulty microwaves and plumbing

What a weekend! Yesterday, our microwave oven starting giving long, loud beeps, putting F3 on the display and refusing to work. I checked the manual - nothing. I checked the website - nothing. General Electric does not want us to know what their fault codes are. I, however, was not so easily daunted. I continued searching and found that it meant that the keypad had a short in it. I also found that replacing that keypad would be an extremely annoying project, so I called in a professional. He can't get the part until midweek, so we are without easy leftovers until then.

Last night, we got home from a great wedding that was under a tent amid some serious thunderstorms and as we were brushing our teeth, the sink stopped giving cold water. The hot water worked fine. I checked the other faucets and nothing upstairs would give us cold water. Downstairs, everything was working fine. Unfortunately, all of our tubs/showers are upstairs. At least one toilet is downstairs. The plumber is coming tomorrow.

To top it all off, the sad rumors have come true. I heard that SciFi was thinking of changing its brand to try to distance itself from its own reputation for Science Fiction. That in itself is cause for mourning. But they did it in the oddest way. No longer named SciFi, they are now SyFy, which I can't help but pronounce in my head as Siffy (rhymes with spiffy), and that makes it very difficult to take the channel seriously. I have noticed a decline in their programming as it veered more and more away from science fiction and added all of that ghost hunters, etc... junk. I am saddened.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Grandma's Marathon 2010

Well, now would be the time to commit. It's scheduled for June 19, well after school is out and planning now leaves no good reasons not to do it. Do I commit now? If I wait, I won't do it. If I do it, I'm doing it right this time - no pulled muscles at mile 17. The 34th Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN will be held at 7:30 am on June 19, 2010. Who's in?