Thursday, December 31, 2009

And thus ends 2009

Welcome to the false end of the decade, if we follow the numbering convention for years. Currently, we are in the 9th year of the decade and next year will be the 10th. 2011 will be the official beginning of the next decade and most nobody actually cares. Enough with that.

It's been a busy couple of months since the last post. I don't really have interesting stories like I did from the last school year. We had the drug dogs come through and cause the police to break the lock on one student's locker. It was science project time and they made a huge baking soda bust. That kid will be lucky to get into any college with that on his record!

I don't know what to think about the Vikings. They were hot, now not so much. Sidney Rice may be the next Chris Carter, which would be awesome. Percy Harvin has a lot of promise. Adrien Petersen needs to stop fumbling. Favre is doing great, but we need a QB for the future. I hope they can win this weekend and get that #2 spot. We could use some time to heal up and then make a big playoff run. With this season, nothing short of a Superbowl will be considered success.

I've decided not to run the marathon in May. With kids and work, I just don't have the quality time to commit to training. My student from last year has thrown down the gauntlet in multiple ways and is out for my blood in this year's Humdinger. I beat her last year, but now she has a season of Cross Country training and racing, so I'm even less confident than I was last year that I'll beat her.

Day care closes in 1.25 hours and then we have three days before the school year resumes.

Here we go 2010!