Saturday, February 26, 2011


This post will be entirely non-political (I'll write a separate one later).

I got the geocaching bug again last week.  It was 60 degrees, I had the day off, and everyone else was at school.  So, I tried the first cache that we never could find and possibly turned my daughter off of treasure hunting forever.  The last attempt ended in her and my wife's trek through thigh/head (depending on height) high weeds to take a short cut to the road as I headed back the .75 mile trail with the boy on my shoulders to get the car at the parking area.  This was preceded by tears, crying, and complaining that the picnic bench was too hard to rest on and many other very funny comments about legs not working.  That was also the second time that day we tried to find it.  Since then, I'd tried many times to get the girl to go with me, but was met each time with refusal.

I now have a new GPS device that is not a car unit and therefore much more useful off-road.  I headed off in shorts and T-shirt and a $2 bill to trade and quickly found some of the squishiest terrain I've ever encountered outside of a bog.  Try as they would, even the SmartWool socks couldn't wick fast enough to deep my feet dry, but it was fun.  I could smell dirt and splashing through mud, water, snow, and ice was very cathartic.  I got back to the same place we had gotten to last time, but this time I had a little bit more precision in my gadgetry and quickly found my first cache.

Fueled by this success and the ability to download coordinates directly to the device, I found some that don't require a hike to reach and are near parks.  I took the kids to a park today and before we went home, I said we were going to look for a treasure.  The girl immediately groaned and started whining and complaining, somehow simultaneously, but I pushed forward and said she could hold the GPS and follow the arrow.  As we waded through large herds of ducks, we got to the location and found the treasure.  Seeing me write our names on the log got her even more excited.  When I asked if she wanted to find another, I got and enthusiastic "Yes!"

There was one more nearby, so we headed there, only to be confronted with some angry sounding geese advancing towards us.  We approached from another direction and were faced down by goats.  We turned back.  I didn't feel up to facing geese and goats with a 2 and 5-year-old.  She does want to go again tomorrow, though.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm gonna be rich and you can be too.

I just got this email, and because I'm so generous, I'll let the first person who volunteers do this instead of me for my cut.  I ask only for $1.7 million up front in cash.  Oh, trust me and Mr. Bongani.  We go way back.

Hello Friend,

My heartfelt greetings to you and to your family, I appreciate your email response and your willingness to participate in this business. So, kindly feel free to corporate with me. However, I will like to let you know more details of this business and reason why I contacted you.

I contacted you independently,based on my internal investigation and no one has been informed of this communication except you and I decided to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. As a matter of fact, I am the database engineer of T.E.S deliver and Security company,I found out something that is very secret and after my investigation,I found out that the only of the deposit was a politician and he was murdered last 2years and since then no one is coming for the claim of the deposit he made before his death and he did not expose it or tell any one about the deposit he made, so as my position on the company now as the database engineer, I decided to find some one who is willing to work with me so we can claim the deposit from the company so it can be delivered to the person as the rightful owner of it, which I will change all the information’s stored in the database and put your own information as the owner.

He deposited the uncut Diamond and 8 bars of Gold with $9.6 Million Dollar as his foreign business partner valuable treasures and expensive antiquities. With my experience and position in the company i can be able to give you some vital information's on how to make the claims, the management of our company is ready to approve the delivery of the uncut Diamond and 8 bars of Gold with $9.6 Million Dollar to any foreigner that comes up with prove and relevant document which will confirm that he/she is the beneficiary of the deposit.

This is a very big secret, between me and you, know one in the company no the original content of the box only me, reason why I no the content of the box is because of my position as the database engineer new manager of the company still don't know the original content too. Once you have made up your mind to carry with me and give me the required information’s below from you so I can change and the information’s from the database after that I will give you direct contact of the manager so you can contact him for the claim of the box, to be delivered to you in your country and the owner, which once t is done, I will start coming to your country for the sharing of the money and for we to sell the diamond to a diamond dealer and for me to set up a small business in your country too.

To proceed in earnest furnish me with your detail information as stated below:

1. Your Full Names:

2. Your Full Contact Address:

3. Your Occupation:

4. Date of Birth/Age:

5. Marital Status:

6. Your Telephone/Cell Phone and Fax Numbers for effective communication between us.Confirm the good receipt of this email along with your detail information as required so that we can proceed towards the success of this great business venture that we will all benefit from .
