Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thoughts on Who - The Doctor, that is

Disclaimer:  for the purposes of this discussion, I am only discussing the new Dr. Who.  All and any comments pertaining to the original series will be out of place. 

I've finished the 5th season of Dr. Who on Netflix and am waiting for season 6 to become available streaming.  I'm not satisfied with the current Dr., Matt Smith.  When I first started watching, Christopher Eccleston was perfect and I was really upset when David Tennant took over after just one season.  However, within a few episodes, I got over that and really enjoyed him as the doctor.  But the arrival of Matt Smith, who isn't bad as the Dr., it's just not the same.  I know it's not supposed to be the same, but I still haven't fully accepted him as the Dr.

Even more than the Dr., I feel that they peeked with Rose Tyler as his companion.  I've like all of the others (Donna Noble took longer to accept), but none of them had the same connection as Rose and no one's ending(s) were as strong as hers.

I have to give it to the writers of Dr. Who.  They really get you attached to the characters and pull you in to make each season's finale that much more special.  Even with Matt Smith's Dr. and Amy/Rory as the companions (who I've accepted more than him), season 5's finish was spectacular.  Doomsday from season 2 is still tops, but they've all been great.
I've never known a Scifi show that could pull you so emotionally.  If you haven't watched the new Dr. Who, you should.  Give yourself a few episodes to get used to it.  It's one of the best shows I've watched - right up there with Battlestar Galactica and The Wire.