Tuesday, December 20, 2011

40's and rainy and nothing better

I went for a run today.  This in itself was nothing unusual.  I go for a lot of runs; at least I try to.  I haven't been running in a while.  I checked my log when I got home and there were three weeks with 0 miles, one week with 3 miles, and another week before that with 0 miles.  I had been all geared up after my first cyclocross race (which was amazing), but then my inability to bifurcate kept me from doing the next race in the series.  After a series of weird and depressing situations at school and less than perfect weather, a week without running turned into a month.

Yesterday I took a day off from school.  No particular reason, I just wanted a day.  That would have been a perfect day to run.  It was even sunny.  I didn't run.  Today I did.  I almost didn't, but I did.  Again, the weather was less than perfect and I was about two steps away from not getting changed and heading home, but enough had been enough.  There has been too much crap going on at school and I was on the cusp of a long running drought that would last through winter break into next year.

So, I went for a run.  It was about 40 degrees (F not C), drizzly, and awesome.  You get to a point where missing runs starts to mess with your head.  The obvious cure is to get out and do something, but your head is so messed up, that it seems like too much trouble and you get stuck in a vicious cycle.  But the moment you break that cycle, all hold it had on you is gone.  28 seconds into the run, it felt like everything that had been hanging over my head was washed away by the cold near sleet rain.  30 seconds or so later and all I was thinking of was how good it felt to be moving.

Don't let life get in the way of what you want to do.  Life is what happens when you're not paying attention.  Living is what you do.  I let life happen for a month and it got me in a funk.  Now I've got another cyclocross race coming up in January, a nice 5k the day before my birthday in February, and, hopefully, the Humdinger in March.