Monday, November 24, 2008

T minus 3 days

Ok, the turkey is thawing, my brine is planned and tomorrow is the last day of school until the following Tuesday. I can't remember a break I've been looking forward to more than this one. I am going to relish not having to do any work for school unless I choose to do so. I even get a couple of days where the kids are in daycare. I love my kids - a lot. But it is going to be nice to get a little down time, even if it means house cleaning.

I saw 24: Redemption last night, and it was pretty good. It got me psyched for the new season in January. I just wish it didn't run at the same time as Heroes. I don't have a functioning VCR or any other system for recording TV. I think that I can watch Heroes on NBC's website, but that entails the hassle of hooking my wife's laptop up to the TV and stereo (as close readers will recall, my machine still runs Windows 98 and it doesn't have a functioning sound card). But, if I can watch both, then it will be worth it.

Finally another team let the Vikings win the way that the Vikings had been beating themselves. The 30-12 win over Jacksonville was a surprise for me. I like Jacksonville's coaching staff: Jack del Rio was one of my favorite players and I liked Mike Tice.

The weather calls for icky conditions tomorrow (I can't remember if the technical term is "icky" or "yucky.") Some people are even banking on a two-hour delay. Just as long as it's not a snow day. I don't want to burn through those and then lose our Spring Break.

Turkey day's coming and I get to wear jeans tomorrow. I really am easily pleased.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is it Thanksgiving yet?

You know that it's time for a break when you see a kid climbing the locker wall and decide not to send him to the office because what he did really didn't seem that bad. I kid you not; some of the things I have seen this year rank in my top ten of odd observed behaviors from my entire teaching career. I have seen students eat erasers ("I was bored"), hide under desks (completely open with no sight barriers), try to rip the tops of desks off (lack of medication), and now climb a locker wall. The worst part is, this all came from one student and we're only a few weeks into the second marking period. Odder still, regardless of how crazy this student behaves, I like him.

Thanksgiving break is now two weeks away and I don't think it can come soon enough.

Other random bits. Go Obama! Vikings are tied for the division lead. I think I like tea. Battlestar Galactica rocks! I want more cheese. My computer still runs Windows 98.