Thursday, October 29, 2009

And thus ends Rocktober

Halloween always makes me sad. It's not because winter is coming (I like the cold and ignore the driveway). It's not because it means 25% of the school year has passed (I'll get to that later). No, it saddens me because it signals the last day of Rocktober. Yes, the month in which all that rocks rocks a little bit more and that guy who does voice-over commercials for every classic rock station in the nation rocks a little harder is almost over. Take heart! Even though Rocktober is ending, that does not mean that we cannot continue to rock. In fact, we must take up the battle cry and continue to rock during all of the months that won't rock for us. Rocktober doesn't just exist as 31 days of the year. It exists deep inside every one of us that refuses not to rock just because it is November.

Anyway, the first nine weeks of the school year ended on Tuesday, and those limbo days between the end and when grades are due are torture. This year may have been worse than others. We had an outbreak of the symptoms of H1N1. I'll never know if many of our kids actually and the pork bug, but they sure acted like it; they didn't come to school - for days. The timing couldn't have been better because everyone was missing the week before then end of the marking period when we cram tests in to make the cutoff and be able to grade them before the grades are actually due. You would think they would be a little more considerate and think of some of the consequences of their not coming to school and how if affects me. I can't stand it when people make everything about themselves!

Vikings are looking good at 6-1. Another win over Green Bay this weekend would make for a very nice record, especially in the division.

Rock on

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