Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rough week, no action

To celebrate my birthday, raise some money for a good cause, and reinforce my image, I participated in the Lewisburg Polar Plunge last Saturday. It was great! We had a big snow the night before, temperatures were below freezing, and all was set. We got there a little late - children are very good at causing that, so instead of being part of the mass plunge, I was part of the slow post mass plunge trickle. It was so slow in fact that I was the only one entering when I went in. I rushed in the mighty Susquehanna and reaffirmed the force of gravity as I plunged in up to my neck. It felt good though. I got up and then felt a bit silly as I was the only one in the water surrounded by people in wet suits with the shore packed with all of the voyeurs. Being the only one in the water, and feeling said silliness, I walked out. As I walked out I look down at my leg and noticed a long scrape, apparently from a helpful river rock that decided to stop me from falling all the way to the bottom of the river when I first went in. It didn't seem bad and I figured I'd have quite a bruise. As the circulation in my legs restarted, more and more blood started finding it's way out of my body through what was clearly not a scrape, but rather a nice gash. By the time I got back to the car (running behind the stroller as my son let everyone know how displeased he was with being strapped in), I had a nice blood trail on my leg.

It's still a very ugly, red, painful blemish on my shin and I haven't run for a week. I could handle a week off if the Humdinger weren't in 3 weeks now and I was just hitting my stride increasing my mileage to be ready for the 7 mile trail run. I have to start running this week, regardless of how much it hurts. It really only hurts when something bumps it, which my daughter kindly pointed out to this evening with a well-placed, albeit accidental, kick; it still throbs. But because it doesn't hurt from the stresses of moving, I think it will be ok.

We finally had some decent winter weather this week as well. Not only did we get a good snowfall last Saturday, we had another Tuesday night and an actually justified snow day on Wednesday. I got my son on his first sled ride that ended with a good face full of snow.

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