Saturday, May 21, 2011

Realtor Rant

If you schedule a visit at 1:30, a 15 minute buffer for me to get out of the house should be more than enough.  Stop showing up early, without even calling with a warning.  I have a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a large dog that all have to get out of the house.  Said creatures need to be cleaned-up after before we leave and I don't care how much you clean ahead of time, there will be magic clutter that appears where they exist, and as we all know from watching HGTV, it is impossible to sell a house with any visible clutter.  I'm already conceding the fact that children live in the house, so I'm working at a disadvantage here.  Don't make my live more difficult by showing up early, during nap time and wondering if I mind that you are early.  I want to sell my house.  You have somebody with you who wants to sell a house.  At least apologize or even acknowledge the inconvenience.

Next time I sell a house, I'm writing into every document a deduction to the buyer's agent commission if they or anyone from their office brings somebody to my house more than 15 minutes before the scheduled time.  In fact, I'm including a deduction for any showings that last less than 5 minutes or are scheduled after 6:00.

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