Sunday, June 29, 2008

Car Saga

We finally bought a car. As part of our plan (thanks to Dave Ramsey) we are selling our car to free up the payments for other debts. Before we can do that, though, we needed another car. So, we've been saving up and selling our stuff and were able to pay cash for a decent car yesterday. Before that, however, it was quite the quest. We found a car just down the road that we were going to get. We tried multiple times. We even took it to a mechanic for a check. The problem was, every time we went to the lot, the guy wasn't there. A few times we went and there was a sign saying he was closed because it was too hot. Other times, he was taking a nap because he works for the government at night (never got a clearer explanation as to what that entailed). Then, most of the other times, he usually just was not there, which makes it difficult to buy a car from him. We called again yesterday (after getting tired of driving there) and he said it was sold. I don't know how he sold it without ever being there, but it was sold. We even were watching auctions on eBay, which made me very nervous. Thanks to Craig's List, we found another car. We got a Subaru Forrester from a little place that just opened and seems to have really good prices. We really needed an AWD car to get up our driveway, which is rather steep. Now we just have to sell the van. Anyone want a 2006 Toyota Sienna? It's an awesome van!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Physical Activity

Got back from the second week of volleyball and I am nowhere near as sore as I was at this point last year. I'm playing better too. Throughout the match, though, I feel as if I'm carrying around a bit of dead weight. I need to drop about 20 pounds and really get back into running shape. What can I do to really motivate myself? I've been trying to start up running again since my senior year in college, and that was 10 years ago. It's the same reason every time. I've gotten lazy and until something can snap that - until I can snap it, I'm going to stay out of shape.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The worst yard sale ever

I cannot believe the magnitude of failure we had on our yard sale the past two days. I have never had the quality or quantity of stuff we had, but I'm not sure we even cleared $100. We had couches, a TV, microwave, drywall stilts, complete wine glass sets, and enough baby clothes to provide for 10 babies. My wife even make cool signs. In the end, however, no one bought anything. No one even tried to haggle! Considering the amount of work (we set up nine 8-foot tables) that went into this sale, it was an unqualified failure.

Aside from that, this has been a good month. My brother's been visiting since the 3rd and he's been a big help (while vowing never to have a family himself). My daughter's been taking swimming lessons - actually, they are more like get to know the water lessons. She did go under water yesterday. Granted, it was not intentional, but she did not seemed phased by it. She even said she would do it again at her next lesson. We'll see. I even got some work lined up. I am three students' last chance to pass their grade. I am the summer school teacher. We'll see if I think it's such a great deal after 30 hours with these students. Guess I should rent Summer School to see what I'm in for. All I remember is it involves killer bunnies...

Volleyball has started up as well and I have not been incapacitated with pain and stiffness for the entire week like I was last year. I need to get more active. I really want to get running again, but I'm having a hard time getting my time scheduled to do it. It comes down to laziness, and I need to break that cycle.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

End of the year

Well, yesterday I said goodbye to my 8th graders for this year. It was a very interesting week. While little was accomplished academically, we had a lot of good experiences. On Monday, we raised $500 in 4.5 hours washing cars for Special Olympics. It was fun to watch the kids working with no gain for themselves. There were a few that really stood out as workers.

On Tuesday we had field day. We battled back from an over 80 point deficit to take the lead by 3 points with just the 8th grade boys tug-of-war to go. Unfortunately, one of our key guys got frustrated and gave up in the middle of the the tug, so we lost. It's sad to see people with talent be so immature that rather than legitimately losing, they give up in an attempt not to lose. Other than that, I saw some Cross Country prospects that I badgered all week and I think I got one to join the high school's team next year.

Thursday we took teams out in the afternoon to play Ultimate Frisbee. That was a lot of fun. I played on a team that was mostly girls, but we were undefeated with scores of 9-1, 4-2, and 15-1. All it took was a little hustle and playing together. We need to do more activities like this next year. It's amazing how we get to know the students in a different way doing things like this. In the past week, starting at Hershey Park, I got to know a few students better than I did the entire year in the classroom. There are some really neat kids out there with individual talents that may never show up in the classroom.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a great series. It may have been the best series I've watched. Even the games where the Wings didn't win were great games. Of course I liked the wins better than the losses. I would like to thank the NHL and NBC for broadcasting most of the games on a channel I can receive.

On a sad note, Team Black lost field day yesterday. It was a valiant comeback effort when we were down by over 80 points. The girls got us a 3 point lead going into the final tug-of-war, but our boys couldn't quite eke out the win. We will have to avenge ourselves with some Ultimate tomorrow!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Beyond Good And Evil 2?

One of my favorite games for the PS2 (maybe favorite) was Beyond Good and Evil. The story was awesome and everything from the visuals, to voices, to audio lent itself to telling the story. It's been a long time since it came out, but I just saw an article saying that #2 is in the works. I'm assuming its for PS3, so that makes me want to get one even more.

Tomorrow night could end the Stanley Cup. I was only able to see the 3rd period of yesterday's game, but it was great. Monday's game is on NBC too, so I'll be watching that.

Last week of school. Car wash on Monday. Field Day on Tuesday. Awards on Friday with an early dismissal. I think we're going to make it.