Sunday, June 29, 2008

Car Saga

We finally bought a car. As part of our plan (thanks to Dave Ramsey) we are selling our car to free up the payments for other debts. Before we can do that, though, we needed another car. So, we've been saving up and selling our stuff and were able to pay cash for a decent car yesterday. Before that, however, it was quite the quest. We found a car just down the road that we were going to get. We tried multiple times. We even took it to a mechanic for a check. The problem was, every time we went to the lot, the guy wasn't there. A few times we went and there was a sign saying he was closed because it was too hot. Other times, he was taking a nap because he works for the government at night (never got a clearer explanation as to what that entailed). Then, most of the other times, he usually just was not there, which makes it difficult to buy a car from him. We called again yesterday (after getting tired of driving there) and he said it was sold. I don't know how he sold it without ever being there, but it was sold. We even were watching auctions on eBay, which made me very nervous. Thanks to Craig's List, we found another car. We got a Subaru Forrester from a little place that just opened and seems to have really good prices. We really needed an AWD car to get up our driveway, which is rather steep. Now we just have to sell the van. Anyone want a 2006 Toyota Sienna? It's an awesome van!

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