Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More volleyball and wool socks

Started a new volleyball league last night. It's been a long time since I played 6's, especially with a full team. It's been even longer since I played on a a gym floor (note to self - need to dive less). That being said, last night was a lot of fun. It helped that we won all four games. This will be a good cross-training activity to give the short-twitchers a jump start and give me some speed back when I run.

I finally got some new running shoes. It's been three years since I bought my last pair, but I have to confess that I didn't really use them until this past January. Our local store closed down and I'm boycotting Dick's Sporting Goods, so I went on a search for another local running store. I found one, but it's 45 minutes away. If you are in the area, check them out. It's Elite Feet in Montoursville. They were very helpful, but I think I may have gotten the shoes a little too big. I'm not sure. The last pair was a little too snug, so it may just be a reaction to actually having some room in the toe box. I also wore my new socks, my first pair of wool running socks (Smart Wool to be specific). The guy at the store said I would be amazed at the difference between them and cotton socks. I have to agree, they did feel pretty good. The only problem is I only have one pair.

Today was the first full day of Autumn and we reached 84 degrees in my classroom. We got an email on Monday saying the AC would be off for the week. Anything above 75 and it gets difficult for anyone to concentrate in a classroom. We were spoiled up to this point. The new system put in over the summer (or fixed or worked) kept the temperature in my room below 72, often below 70. It was really nice. Today, not so nice.

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