Friday, June 25, 2010

Her first roller coaster

Took the kids and grandparents to Knoebel's yesterday. It was the best day I have ever been there. The forecast called for tortuous heat and humidity, but it turned out to be decent with a good breeze. Being a Wednesday there were virtually no lines for the rides. The girl was very excited because she finally got on the Ferris Wheel. I took the boy on the spiral slide, but I think they remodeled it. It was always a tight fit, but I think they made it a little bit narrower. I'm not sure what that design decision was supposed to do, but what it actually did was create some great, squeaking sounds as we went down and gave me a nice, bright red splotch on my thigh. Had it been on my fingers, I think the fingerprints would have melted.

I think the highlight of the day was the girl's first real roller coaster ride. She passed the 42 inch mark and I got her all hyped up about going on the Phoenix. Before we got going, I put my arm around her. It was a good thing I did. I forgot how much you rise out of the seat and it felt like I was holding her in the car at times. About half way through, she was quietly sobbing, but pulled it together by the time the cars came to a stop. As we were walking away, I asked her how she liked it. This is basically what she said:

"I started to cry a little bit because it was so bumpy and if you weren't holding on to me I would have gone up into the air. I liked it and want to go on it again...someday."

That was possibly one of the most complete answers I will get from her about anything ever. She did, however, tell me that night that it was her favorite ride of the year.

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