Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goals (not resolutions) for 2013

I make it a point not to make resolutions.  Why?  Obstinance would be my best guess.  I do, however, have some goals.

Running goal #1 - sub 24 minute 5k
Running goal #2 - sub 4 hour marathon
Running goal #3 - log 300 miles this year.

Biking goal #1 - overhaul my own bottom bracket (it's been a long time and I need to find the right tools)
Biking goal #2 - be able to ride my bike after said overhaul
Biking goal #3 - make it up the hill in the Chilli Challenge

Race goal #1 - top 3 in River Towns Race Series again
Race goal #2 - improve Chilli time by 20 minutes (5 bike, 5 kayak, 10 run)
Race goal #3 - have fun

Fire and Ice cyclocross is in a couple of weeks.  I'm braving the full hour.  Two weeks later I have my first and unrealistic chance at the 5k goal with the Frosty 5k.  I, unfortunately, will be missing the Humdinger this year, but I'm going to add in the Mon-Tour bike race (not sure which distance).  I'm not sure if I'm going back to the Lancaster duathlon or giving the Lewisburg triathlon another try.  I really wish there were some local duathlons.

It's a new year and I'm ready to go!
If you're going to force a resolution out of me, I resolve to grill more (resolutions are so unquantifiable - goals are superior)!

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