Sunday, October 26, 2008

Checkouts and Baggers

Is it just me, or do grocery store baggers no longer know how to bag groceries. Nobody uses paper bags anymore and you actually get dirty looks if you ask for paper. I think I know why. Paper bags require more than one layer of food, which actually requires thought. With plastic bags, you just get the bottom filled and you're done. At least, that seems to be the extent to which anyone bags these days. I love getting home and finding a soft loaf of bread right next to a bunch of cans. Did you know that when you pick up a plastic bag, things shift around? I know; it's hard to believe and no one could ever predict that would happen, but even stranger is the fact that heavy objects tend to squish the soft ones! I even try to group my foods in a way that would make bagging easier, but that doesn't even help. I kind of hope that the plastic bags are phased out and we return to the brown paper bags (it doesn't matter if they have handles or not). Then we will again have a steady supply of book cover material for school and not have those stupid stretchy ones that look flashy but don't really do anything to protect a book. The one drawback would be my supply of bags for picking up dog poop.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Return to the Dark Ages

Well, today ended our school's Renaissance week. Actually, we changed the name to medieval week because we don't technically focus on a particular Renaissance period. This is my third year doing this with the 8th grade here and this year it was brutal. We spend, basically, the entire week with one group of kids. I don't know how elementary teachers do that for an entire year. Don't get me wrong. I like my kids and the week is definitely worthwhile. It's just exhausting, especially because of what we are doing. It's a lot of arts and crafts, which are not my strong point, which makes it a tad more difficult to push the enthusiasm. We also make costumes and learn a period dance. That's always interesting - getting 20 some 8th graders into and learning a renaissance period dance. Somehow, our artists in residence not only teach the dance, but get the kids having fun by the time their hour is over.
The culmination of the week is Friday. We parade around for the whole school in our costumes (which the kids made). Even though most of the 8th graders were there the past two years when previous 8th grade classes did this, when it comes time for their turn, no one seems to remember what happens. Then we head to the feast where there is juggling and a play for the royalty and all else to see. Each manor presents their dance and we are treated to a court where appropriate punishments are carried out. Then come time for the feast. Each class has a lord and lady who, along with the king, queen, and pope, get to sit at a table and have a plate and goblet for their food. Everyone else sits on the floor with paper towels. Then the kids get bread, chicken legs, cheese, apples, and water for the feast and I have to say, it is good bread.

After lunch (which is not the feast), we have a tournament of skills where the kids try to go horse yelling like crazy while a few classmates compete in events such as the joust, gauntlet, squires relay, turnip relay, pie-eating contest, and gladiator. In this day of litigation, I'm surprised that no one has sued over injuries incurred. We have one event where kids finish the race riding piggyback on their "horse." Close to half of the teams did face plants after the first few steps and hit the floor hard.

But it's over, and I'm glad to out of the Renaissance and back to the dark ages.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Iron Man!

Well, I finally got to see Iron Man, and it did not disappoint. I had heard from various sources that it was really good, and it lived up to my expectations. The only criticism I can think of is the same that I had for Transformers. There was so much set up that once it actually got to his suit, the movie was almost over. This movie is begging for a sequel. I thought that Robert Downey Jr. was great in the role. The writing and his delivery of the lines was hilarious. I knew only the basics about Iron Man before seeing the movie, but I could tell right away who the bad guy was thanks to his hairdo (or lack thereof). Now I'm just waiting for The Dark Knight and Wanted to come out on DVD. I'll see the Hulk movie because Ed Norton is in it, but I don't have expectations. One of these days, I'll even see a movie in the theater again.

Big excitement for the week coming up are grand openings of new stores in Selinsgrove including Giant and Target. Now we'll actually be able to use Giant Gas rewards as there will be a gas station there. Monday night is the Vikings game. I hope it goes well. This season is quickly draining my hope. At least the Red Wings are still looking good.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Quick Response to VP Debate

I think that both did a decent job, but I am very confused by the response of the analysts. I thought that winning a debate was based on how well one made one's points and responded to questions and statements made by the other debater. It seemed to me that Palin dodged more questions posed to her than she actually answered and really tended to answer whatever she felt like answering. At one point the moderator called both of them on this point by saying that neither had answered the question posed, but (I guess for time's sake) she didn't press either one to answer. Politics aside, I think that Biden answered the questions more clearly, and responded very well to points brought up by Palin. Palin, on the other hand, seemed to be campaigning more than debating issues. But, what do I know?