Sunday, October 26, 2008

Checkouts and Baggers

Is it just me, or do grocery store baggers no longer know how to bag groceries. Nobody uses paper bags anymore and you actually get dirty looks if you ask for paper. I think I know why. Paper bags require more than one layer of food, which actually requires thought. With plastic bags, you just get the bottom filled and you're done. At least, that seems to be the extent to which anyone bags these days. I love getting home and finding a soft loaf of bread right next to a bunch of cans. Did you know that when you pick up a plastic bag, things shift around? I know; it's hard to believe and no one could ever predict that would happen, but even stranger is the fact that heavy objects tend to squish the soft ones! I even try to group my foods in a way that would make bagging easier, but that doesn't even help. I kind of hope that the plastic bags are phased out and we return to the brown paper bags (it doesn't matter if they have handles or not). Then we will again have a steady supply of book cover material for school and not have those stupid stretchy ones that look flashy but don't really do anything to protect a book. The one drawback would be my supply of bags for picking up dog poop.

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