Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fun Times

Today we had a gym event at school. Our district is busy raising $30,000 to build a school in Cambodia (I hear we are over $21,000 already) and the winning home room got to pie a teacher and duct tape another to the wall. I was duct taped, and I must say, I was rather disappointed. The kids do not do a very good job and I was suspended above the ground for exactly zero seconds.

Before that, we played this odd 4-way volleyball with one huge ball and 4 nets. It was fun, but another teacher and myself had put out the challenge to take on any team against the two of us. You would not believe the students who said that we were going down. I am not a professional volleyball player, but I am pretty competitive and the other teacher is even better. One student stands out in particular. He is about 5 feet tall (if even) and he said he and somebody else were going to crush us. It was all I could do to keep a straight face. It was fun to see how fired up the kids got about the chance to play against us. We need to see that it happens in the future.

Well, Spring Break begins today - a whole 4 day weekend thanks to snow make-up days today and Tuesday. Await testing rants next week as we get within one week of state testing.

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