Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hope and Dread

Well, it is with both hope and dread that I prepare to grade the quizzes and tests from Friday. Algebra it a tough class for my kids because it means that they have skipped 8th grade math (Pre-Algebra), which really does get them ready for Algebra. It also doesn't help that a good portion of them should not be in the class. This is not because they are not smart enough, but many of them just aren't ready developmentally for Algebra. I hate seeing them struggle, especially when they work really hard and still do not do well. At this point in the year, it is made very clear who is ready and who is not. This is a tough nine weeks. I have tests that they took Friday to grade (as well as quizzes from the other three classes - am I cruel giving tests and quizzes on Fridays?) and I hope they did well. A bunch of the kids who have been working very hard told me after the test that they think they did very well. That always makes me worried, because that is the worst kind of bad grade - the one that follows anticipation of a very good one.

I guess this post is just my way of procrastinating. I should get started with the grading.

I would like to thank the one person who has viewed my blog since I installed mapstats. I hope you are joined by others soon.

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