Saturday, April 12, 2008


Baby #2 arrived Tuesday night. He was 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 20 inches long. Anyone who sees him says he looks just like me. Apparently I look like a squishy-faced little old man. Who knew? Since then I think I've gotten about 8 hours of sleep, total, but he's worth it. I'm not sure how I'll do when I return to school on Wednesday. Running on no sleep is one thing at home, another thing at work. I'll cope.

Playoff hockey is here and I'm liking the 2 game lead Detroit has in its series. I do wish there were more hockey coverage on TV. A few years ago there were a lot more games on. Now we're lucky to have one national game a week. I'd say I'm excited about the NFL draft, but honestly, it's not exciting. The beginning of the season is exciting. Seeing people play is exciting. But actually televising the draft? We need more hockey on TV.

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