Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sublimation would be sublime

Right now, I wish a giant demonstration of sublimation would occur on the surface of my driveway. I made a rookie mistake and did not clear the snow on Friday when it fell. My wife didn't want to be left alone with the kids. The precipitation switched to rain, which froze the snow. The Subaru was ok, and there were no problems while the snow still existed. Today, however, we had rain, without very high temperatures, and the driveway turned to ice. Combined with an angle of roughly 76 degrees, it was an interesting ride to daycare in the sideways car heading down the driveway. Considering the fact that we had company coming, I headed out with the two shovels, one for chipping and one for snow, I spent two hours getting half of the driveway clear so that a car could make it up safely. Tomorrow should bring a wonderful example of slick, black ice covering the whole surface.

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