Saturday, January 3, 2009

The final season cometh

The first half of the fourth (and last) season of Battlestar Galactica is released on DVD on Tuesday. I have one disc to go to finish season three and the second half of season four starts January 16. We can do this, but it means 5 discs of BSG in 12 days (the last disc of Season three won't arrive until Tuesday). I have to admit, I am saddened by the end of this show. I can honestly say that it has been the best show I've watched on TV, better than 24. I'm not sure that the prequel series, Caprica, will be able to take its place. The one question remaining is if I'll be able to get caught up in time to watch the rest of the series as it airs.

Tomorrow the Vikings are the top seed playing in the playoffs. I did not see that coming two months ago. They are playing the Eagles. Either I will be upset going back to school on Monday, or most of my students and fellow staff will be. I hope its not me. I really don't need that to put up with from 8th graders the first day back from vacation!

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