Monday, January 12, 2009

Nostril Freezing Cold

Would you believe me if I said that were something that I miss? Weird, but I do. Those of you who have experienced taking a deep breath and having your nostrils briefly freeze shut know what I'm talking about. I have not experienced it here yet. We are supposed to have a high of six degrees on Friday. Maybe it will happen then.

I finally got back running today. Enough excuses. I'm just getting out there and running. I get changed at school, head over to a course and take a run. This was my first run since September, and it felt great. Maybe it was just running that felt good. Maybe it was the 20 pounds lighter I currently am. Maybe it was the relatively flat course compared to the .7 mile rollercoaster loop I was running before. Whatever it was, it was worth it. It was the best run I've had, probably since I moved to PA and the first winter run since 2005.

I consider myself a running purist, but I did something for the first time that I didn't think I'd do. I ran with an iPod and it was great. So for all of you running purists who think that it spoils the experience, you need to lighten up. Does this mean I will never again take a run through the woods and listen to nature? Not in the slightest. It is a nice distraction from the mundane thoughts of whether or not I should keep going, if I'm going fast enough, if my strides are the right length, and so on... I quite enjoyed my run today. It may only have been 2.43 miles, but it was one of the best times I've had in a while.

The Running Me is Back!

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