Thursday, January 29, 2009

I think it's become a habit

I'm about to complete my 3rd full week of running, with 4 runs each week. I think I can say it is now a habit. What do they say, it takes 21 days to break or start a habit? I try hard not to think about my times too much or expect high school cross country paces...yet. I am almost down to consistent 8 minute miles for my short 2.68 runs and managed under 9.5 min/mi for a 5.4 mile run, but I really would like to debut in a 5k in under 20 minutes with the ultimate goal of breaking 18 minutes, which I missed by 3 seconds in my last high school race over 14 years ago. There's a 7 mile trail run coming up that I think I'll enter, but then I'll be competing against one of my students who told me she just ran a 4.5 mile race in 23:44. That's a pace under 5.5 minutes per mile. That's faster than I ever ran a 5k before. But, I have to jump in somewhere, and a tough trail run may be just the race to get me started.

We had another snow day yesterday, so we start chipping away at spring break. It is now down to Friday through Tuesday. Tuesday is next on the chopping block. Next Friday is an inservice day and then we do not have a day off until April 10. During that stretch we have the state tests. Should be a blast.

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