Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You must be Slow or something

Great quote today. I had a student who likes to be belligerent every once in a while (what's the opposite of hyperbole?). He came in to class to day in rare form with nothing but a pencil. The moment I saw him he said not to even ask and that he didn't have his books. I rolled with it, as I do most things in the classroom. My team mates don't call me Mr. Patience for nothing. I just asked him not to talk or disturb anyone else. Moments later, he's starting a tirade and I ask him to stop talking. Yadda yadda yadda and he ends up saying, and I quote, "...but you keep talking to me like you're slow!" That is one line that I need to keep in a file as some of the best things people have said to me.

I love teaching Algebra. We are currently hitting the algebraic concepts pretty hard in one of my Pre-Algebra sections, and it's just fun. I don't think many of the students share my enthusiasm yet, but that were happy to see the calculator projector out today. Just wait until they get to start graphing on the calculators in a week.

Just about two weeks to the Humdinger and my confidence is less than it was. I can go the distance, that's no problem, but the more I look at that elevation map, the more worried I am. I think my initial goal of about 70 minutes might be out of reach. We'll see what happens. My wife was kind enough to knit a little pouch for the Nike+ sensor and I had my first successful outing with it yesterday (after I got it flipped over).

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