Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is it really worth my effort?

I hate feeling this way, but I'm reaching the point with some kids where I feel like any attention I give them isn't worth the effort. There are so many good kids who want to learn and do better, and they lose out because my attention is taken by those who would rather distract. I keep telling myself that by imposing consequences and following through on what I say I'm going to do that I am at least teaching these students a life lesson (if not an academic one), but I honestly feel like there is absolutely no response to any given consequence. I've reached the point where I don't bother assigning after-school detentions. It punishes me more than the kids, if they even show up. To my face, multiple students have said that they would rather have an office referral and office detention, because mine are too hard and boring. How am I supposed to deal with that? I don't know.

Sour feelings aside, I am getting geared up for my race this Saturday. I was hoping for it to stay cold through Saturday, but it's going to warm up to around 50 with some possible rain on Friday and Saturday. That should make the trails nice and mucky, exactly what I was hoping to avoid. I don't mind running in foul weather, but I wanted to turn in a good time. Muddy, hilly trails are not the best suited for fast running. It should still be fun then. Maybe others' lack of speed will be more of a benefit to me.

Only three episodes of Battlestar Galactica left. I am sad.

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