Friday, March 6, 2009

Race Time

Well, in about 12 hours, I start my race. I'm ready. I have no idea how I am going to do. I was going through last years results and there were only about 15 guys in my age group. Looking at the times, I was thinking that I can place top 5. Of course, that's my 7 miles on the roads with on big hill, as opposed to their times on the actual course that gains about 1500 ft over the entire course. The elevation of the course starts around 503 ft and reaches a peak of about 1184. It's been warm the last couple of days and should be even warmer tomorrow. We haven't had rain yet, but I don't know how frozen and thawed the course will be. It should be interesting. I think I'll still shoot for 10 minutes miles. That's probably unrealistic, but once I realize that, I may be just getting myself to climb up the trail rather than worrying about keeping a pace.

BSG starts in a few. Good hunting!

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