Saturday, August 15, 2009

No more travelling!

Ok, the two trips to the relatives are done for the summer. We had a great time in both Wisconsin and NJ, but I am done travelling. Actually, I'm done staying away from home for a while. The travelling itself was actually pretty good. We took the trip to WI in one shot each way. Of course, we got out to eat and stretch a few times, but we did the 12 hour drive each way without staying in a hotel (at least $200 saved). Both of the kids were really good in the car, and they slept through the sloooooow traffic through Chicago. As for how they slept in the two states, it left a lot to be desired. In WI, the little one slept great, but the other one kept crawling into my wife's twin bed and proceeded to try to sleep sideways and gave her a nasty bruise on the leg. In NJ, the older one slept great, but the little one screamed like a banshee at least twice each night and required multiple car rides to get settled down.

Now that we are home, we've had two good nights to sleep and I don't plan on taking them anywhere else anytime soon.

It was good to see some good things from the Vikings last night. It looks like Sage is putting the pressure on Tarvaris. I hope the QB competition will bring out the best in the team and we get a good QB out of it this year. I think I'm actually rooting for Sage because Tarvaris just hasn't shown much of a spark, ever.

One full week left until school starts. I really am excited about this year. I have three major goals (and none of them have anything to do with PSSA scores).
1. Stay positive - I'm not getting sucked into the complaining cycle or letting middle school students determine my mood.
2. Play - I have a lot of tech toys to play with this year and I plan on using them as much as possible.
3. Relax - This is similar to #1, but I got way too uptight in the classroom last year. By staying positive and playing, I want my classroom to be a relaxed place where I and my students feel comfortable and enthusiastic about learning.

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