Monday, August 31, 2009

What do Kubla Khan and Cheese have in common?

In Madison did Eric find
A tasty cheesy treat well-fried.
Within the cafeteria
Behind the plexiglass clear shield
Held waiting under heat.
So first he asked to have a bowl
And then he tasted new delight.
Crispy with a melted center,
Yellow, not that mozzarella.
Though close cousins the two do be,
A stronger personality –
More individuality.
But oh! That gooey goodness did go know I not
And I did decree within that place that day!
A savage a place as I have ever known
For foodstuffs’ lives depend on fickle students
And their tastes do wax and wane amongst many!
From this place I would save my new favorite treat.
As if in my power it had been to save them
A mighty fountain of my willpower
A deluge in the comment box commenced
Did soon sway the gods themselves to my mind
And within a week fried cheese curds had returned.
That with music loud and long,
I would taste in my mouth,
That crunchy crust, that cheese ooze!
And all who saw would want them then,
And all who smelled them, not resist.
For all who came on fried cheese fed,
And ate the cheese of paradise.

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