Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back in Action - Volleyball Style

Tonight is the first night of summer volleyball this year. I'm still not sure that doubles is my favorite, but I am sure that I prefer sand to grass. That aside, it's still fun because it's still volleyball. Each year we start off really strong, stumble into the playoffs in the upper-mid section or lower-high section of the standings. Then we knock off a higher level team, but can't get any farther. One thing I'm not looking forward to is tomorrow. The day after the first set of matches (we play 2 or three matches in a night). Two years ago I could barely move. Last year was better. I'm hoping that the weight loss and somewhat better conditioning will help, but those muscles that I just don't use outside of volleyball are going to be yelling at me tomorrow.

It feels so good to be out of school. I'm working the lazy out so that in a week or two I can get down to getting things done. Until then, I'm content to do very little. The one thing getting in the way of my sloth is the naming ceremony we have coming up next Saturday for our little guy. Keeping the house orderly with two kids, two cats, and a dog is not that easy. But it should be fun.

Ok, here's something that's been bugging me for a while now. Pennsylvania is becoming more and more smoke-free. I am very happy about that. But the thing that I've been noticing is the way in which employees of food-related establishments smoke. It's becoming more and more obvious. A couple years ago I was in the Lycoming mall and we ate at the pizza/Italian place there. I looked back and saw a guy smoking in the kitchen. That kitchen was not very hidden and he didn't seem to be trying to hide it at all. On top of that, I noticed that he was the same person who took our order and he had on something that designated him as the employee of the month. Suffice to say that I never have or will eat there again. The grocery stores around here have tables for their employees to take breaks on in front of the store. No problem there, but guess what these employees are doing on those tables in front of the store near the entrances. You got it - smoking! It gives me a deep feeling of disgust when I see the person who was cutting my lunch meat or bagging my groceries sucking on a cigarette. I've watched them as they go back into the store, and often they go right back to their stations without even washing their hands. These people are handling my foodstuffs? I don't know why smokers feel that they are entitled to do whatever they want. Aren't they getting the message that (slowly) society is realizing how disgusting that habit is and how dangerous it is for other people? Can you imagine telling your boss that you need to take a break to satisfy some drug habit other than tobacco? Then tell the boss that you are going to do this in front of the store where all of the customers can see (and partially participate in) your activity. At least I can go into most restaurants in the state and not have to worry about inhaling smoke that came from inside somebody else's body entering mine. It's a start.

Game 7 Friday. Go Red Wings!

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