Wednesday, June 24, 2009


For only the second time in close to 4 years, I saw a movie in the theater. The first one was 'Dan in Real Life' and it was a waste of theater space. Today, however, I saw the new Transformers movie and it was awesome. I thought the first one was really good, but didn't have enough with the robots. This one made up for it and I have to say, Optimus Prime kicks ass! I won't say anything else; just go see it.

I decided a few days ago not to do summer tutoring. I had a list of six kids who needed 30 hours of math tutoring to avoid repeating the same grade next year. I decided on a reasonable rate to charge and started contacting parents to get it set up. The first number that had been given to the school was no longer in service. Somebody didn't really want the school contacting them. The second parent went off on a mini-rant saying that her child messed around all year long and would have to repeat 7th grade all over again. The third parent informed me that he already set it up with somebody else, but asked what I was charging. I told him and he proceeded to give me a hard time because the other tutor was charging less and why should he go with me when he could get the same hours for less money. I said that I was merely trying to provide a service. At that point, I decided that this was no longer worth my time and I've felt a little bit happier ever since.

Now if we could just get our daughter to do what the swim instructor asks...

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